Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Agenda Cultural @ FIX University

“No queremos analfabetimo digital”: panorama de la educación en informe de los 300 días de la Alcaldía

Universidad Fernando Noveno

“La Alcaldía de Cali se ha comprometido con la calidad de la educación y con la gratuidad. Por eso, no es justo que niños y niñas se encuentren por fuera de las aulas”. Con estas palabras, el secretario de Educación del Municipio, Raúl Salazar Castaño, inició este 30 de octubre su intervención durante la presentación del informe de gestión de los 300 días del alcalde Rodrigo Guerrero Velasco, en la terminal de Menga, en el norte caleño.
El funcionario resaltó los 25 mil cupos que la actual Administración abrió para el año lectivo del 2013 y el programa que ha liderado su cartera de ir de puerta en puerta, tras realizar caminatas en las comunas que más requieren la inserción de menores al sistema escolar. Salazar reiteró las palabras del alcalde Guerrero durante la presentación del informe de gestión: “No queremos analfabetismo digital”.
Es por ello que el secretario Salazar señaló Cali recibirá 150 mil computadores para los estudiantes de las más de 90 instituciones educativas públicas, como parte del programa ‘Educación digital para todos’, con capacitación a los docentes que serán multiplicadores de esta iniciativa. “De esta manera, podremos crear una nueva cultura educativa donde la tecnología esté al alcance de los ciudadanos que desde ya se apropian de las herramientas que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC)”, dijo Salazar.
Precisamente, por el programa ‘Educación digital para todos’ se han capacitado 60 docentes para ser formadores en el uso pedagógico de las TIC, es decir, ellos serán los encargados de replicar esta estrategia con otros 480 docentes líderes de las áreas académicas en siete instituciones educativas oficiales seleccionadas para la primera fase del proyecto.
Añadió que cerca de 1.600 niños se benefician con el programa ‘Jornada Escolar Complementaria’, que cuenta con el apoyo de Comfenalco. Por esta propuesta, los estudiantes reciben alimentación, además de tener la oportunidad de desarrollar competencias ciudadanas y hacer buen uso del tiempo libre. El programa empezó en las instituciones educativas El Diamante, Juan Pablo II, Santa Rosa sede José Cardona y Luz Aideé Guerrero Molina.
“Llegó la hora de que todos los caleños apostemos a la educación, que haya un verdadero cambio en la sociedad y trabajemos juntos por la calidad de la formación que se brinda a niños y niñas en nuestras instituciones oficiales y así formemos los ciudadanos que queremos”, reiteró Salazar.
El secretario de Educación del Municipio también resaltó que Cali fue una de las ciudades seleccionadas en todo el país para poner en marcha el primer Centro de Innovación Educativo Regional (CIER), como nodo del suroccidente colombiano, recibiendo una partida de seis millones de dólares. Explicó que este espacio contará con tecnología de punta y permitirá, además, generar contenidos pedagógicos virtuales. Señaló también que en este nodo participan las secretarías de Educación del Valle, así como de Yumbo, Palmira, Tuluá y Buga.
A su vez, el secretario de Educación de Cali hizo referencia a la importancia que tiene para la ciudad el programa ‘Atención para la Primera Infancia’ (PAIPI) que atendería a 2.169 niños, así como el funcionamiento de los centros de Desarrollo Infantil, con 1.030 cupos para niños de primera infancia, es decir, con edades entre 0 y 5 años.
El funcionario, dentro del balance de gestión de los 300 días de la Alcaldía, también destacó que se han logrado gestionar 28.725’057.009 pesos para pagar las primas de antigüedad y servicios a 1.260 docentes. Además, mencionó la nivelación salarial por homologación al personal administrativo por 6.800 mil millones.
En ese panorama se incluyó la construcción y adecuación de 20 sedes educativas oficiales de Santiago de Cali que benefician directamente a 12.050 menores de todas las comunas de la ciudad.
Además, se benefician a 288.573 estudiantes vinculados a las instituciones educativas oficiales y contratadas para la prestación del servicio educativo, así como el personal docente, directivo docente y administrativo adscrito al Municipio.
En cuanto al programa de desayunos escolares, el funcionario indicó que se ofrecen a 101.000 estudiantes de las instituciones educativas oficiales. Anotó que también hay transporte escolar para niños de la zona rural y comunas de ladera.

More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Sabados Literarios

Fernando IX University

Introduction to Mathematical Thinking

Keith Devlin

Learn how to think the way mathematicians do – a powerful cognitive process developed over thousands of years.
Fernando IX University
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Course Staff
Several students have contacted me about cases of cheating on the Final Exam. Frankly, why anyone who do this in a course that focuses on learning and offers no credentials, beats me. Students who cheat are really cheating themselves. If you are sure an answer is plagiarized from somewhere else (often easy to determine with a quick web search), you could simply award 1's everywhere, which amounts to a score of 0. Whether you do that for one question or the whole exam is up to you. If there is any doubt that the student has broken the honor code, you have to give the student the benefit of that doubt. 0 on the whole exam is more significant than 0 on one question. Though again, the stakes here are essentially zero; it's mostly about self esteem, surely. For truly egregious cases, send me the details (your login id and the Student number (1, 2, or 3) and I can take it from there. Violation of the honor code is cause for expulsion from the class. Expulsion has occurred, in this class and others, I'm sad to say.

Meanwhile, if you want to know how evaluation training and peer grading looked from our side (the instruction team and the folks at Coursera who were making sure the ship stayed afloat), check out my
latest post at to see what was going on behind the scenes. Enjoy! :-)

-- KD
 Fernando IX University
 Fernando IX University


CS169.1x: Software as a Service


CS169x Course Team
Dear Fernando Noveno,

You can finally check two more items off your to-do list: Our farewell video is now ready for you to watch and registration for CS 169.2x has opened. If you haven't yet taken the end-of-course survey, you can do that as well and get completely caught up for the week.

CS 169.2x will officially begin Monday, November 5. This is the first offering of this course ever. The lectures will be presented and recorded on campus at UC Berkeley just a few weeks before you see them online. We will cover
  • advanced Rails techniques including associations and third-party authentication
  • using Agile methods on legacy code
  • design patterns
  • practical performance and security for SaaS
  • forming, organizing and managing small programming teams, and
  • enhancing your SaaS apps with JavaScript.
If you have enjoyed CS 169.1x, we highly recommend that you sign up!

This isn't a final farewell for 169.1x quite yet; we will email you one last time about grades and certificates after November 4.

Armando, Dave, and the CS169x Course Team

Fernando IX University 

This Is a Test of FIX Course Work

Fernando IX University

Information Security and Risk Management in Context

Barbara Endicott-Popovsky

Learn to defend and protect vital company information using the latest technology and defense strategies. Analyze internal and external threats to proactively prevent information attacks. Gain experience by solving real-world problems and leave the class equipped to establish and oversee information security.
Fernando IX University
Information Security and Risk Management in Context
Information Security and Risk Management
We just wanted to update everyone on a couple of things:

  • The start date for Week 6 is being pushed back 1 day due to a combination of the short week we had this past week for Week 5 and the severe storm and subsequent damage in the Northeast region of the United States. The plan is to start Week 6 on Thursday and return to a normal schedule. However, we will continue to monitor the situation in the Northeast and will make changes, if appropriate.

  • If you didn’t previously submit the optional assignment, please disregard this note:
    Due to some technical issues, we need everyone that submitted the optional Information Assurance Policy assignment
    to resubmit it using this link:
    We apologize for the extra work, but would like to get this completed as soon as possible so everyone can begin giving and
    receiving feedback. Your submission must be received at the link above by 11:59 PM PDT this Saturday. The peer assessment portion will begin Sunday. If you don’t have your own electronic copy of the assignment, you should be able to copy and paste it from your prior submission.
    Fernando IX University

    Latin American Studies Program of Study @ FIX University

    Fernando IX University

    Organizational Analysis

    Daniel A. McFarland

    In this introductory course, you will learn multiple theories of organizational behavior and apply them to actual cases of organizational change.
    Fernando IX University
    Organizational Analysis Course Staff
    Last week the readings presupposed a uniform, positive organizational culture was present in learning organizations. How often is that really the case? This week we are learning about organizational cultures and how to engineer them. You'll learn about a variety of levers for culture creation, and you'll be pressed to consider whether an integrated culture is desirable in every instance. I hope you find the lecture and readings insightful!


    Students in the advanced track need to turn in their papers soon. It's ok if you have haven't done the peer assessment training. You can still complete the advanced track. Just go to the Peer Feedback System and submit your first paper before the deadline Monday (5pm PDT). Please try and do it early if you can in case there are any problems with the East coast servers (due to Hurricane Sandy). After the deadline passes, you will begin peer grading of 3 papers and your own. You have until November 12 (11:59PM PDT) to complete the peer grading. You cannot get a paper grade or pass the advanced track without completing this.

    Happy writing and pleasant cultural experiences to all of you!

    All best,
    Fernando IX University 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Agenda Cultural @ FIX University / Modern and Contemporary American Poetry

masterofteachingarts.b...... Modern & Contemporary American Poetry @ FIX University Campus
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masterofteachingarts.b...... Modern & Contemporary American Poetry @ FIX University Campus
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masterofteachingarts.b...... Modern & Contemporary American Poetry @ FIX University Campus
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masterofteachingarts.b...... Arts: Modern & Contemporary American Poetry @ FIX University Campus
288 × 251 - 29 k - jpg Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
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masterofteachingarts.b...... Arts: Modern & Contemporary American Poetry @ FIX University Campus
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masterofteachingarts.b...... of Teaching Arts: Modern & Contemporary American Poetry @ FIX University
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comFIX University "a place for independent study": Agenda Cultural on FIX .
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comElber Sanchez Londoño @ FIX University 560 × 569 - 51 k - jpg
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus 690 × 518 - 157 k - jpg
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comPlaza de Toros "Cañaveralejo" de Cali, Colombia @ FIX University 2010-2011
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comAlberta Feretti y Moschino @ FIX University Satellite
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus 480 × 360 - 29 k - jpg
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comFIX University "a place for independent study": Agenda Cultural on FIX .
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus 540 × 386 - 132 k - jpg
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comAgenda Cultural @ FIX University 640 × 428 - 98 k
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comSpring Break 2012 FIX University "a place for independent learning"
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pedagogica1.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus 385 × 594 - 52 k - jpg
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fixuniversity.blogspot...FIX University "a place for indenpendent learning"
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More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

Fernando IX University
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Fernando IX University

The Best College Radio Stations

Fernando IX University

Master of Teaching Arts

Fernando IX University

Modern & Contemporary American Poetry

Al Filreis

This course is a fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, from Dickinson and Whitman to the present. Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly “difficult.”
Fernando IX University

Dear FIX,

For the past nine hours, ModPo people have been writing peer reviews on essay #3. If you submitted this essay, please now go back into the "writing assignments" module, see your assigned peer reviews, and begin to write and submit them. As usual, once you submit them, a copy of the essay and your peer review will appear in the discussion forum. Our goal once again is to provide at least four peer reviews for each essayist.

Those who did not submit essays this time are urged to read essays as they appear in the discussion forum and offer at least brief additional comments.

We have this entire week to offer comments and reviews of the essays. If there is significant power loss in the eastern part of the U.S., we might decided to extend the review period by a day. But not longer than that, alas, since we are eager to begin the next assignment more or less on time, starting next week. This will be the fourth "essay" - but this time it will be an experimental poetic/writing assignment. We hope it will be fun. More about that later. You will create the experimental writing during week 9 and we will also comment and respond during week 10, our final week.

Because some of us face power outages in the coming hours, I suggest that those in areas affected by this big storm get started now on their peer reviewing! Anticipating loss of internet connection, you might want to download some videos and audio and texts of poems - or even print some of the poems.

Many thanks to all the ModPo people for your generosity and spirit of poetic communitarianism. This course only works if many people help each other.

With best wishes from a soggy & windy city of brotherly love,

- Al

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

Fernando IX University
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Hoy 30 de Octubre!





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