Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cultural Events Politics "Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll"

Fernando IX University
What Happens When Real Journalist Are Left Out From Real Reporting?

Freedom of the Press Today? Controlled, Semi Controlled, Ultra Controlled?

Lets look at the big picture... It is the economy. While looking at what to do and the answers that needs to be acutely dealt with are not anything out of the ordinary,

the solution to a simple situation that the USA faces today with Wall Street is getting it back on the Pan American Highway and back on track. The largest sale of automobiles in American History will take place with the Bush Administration and if it waits til next year it may be too late. The native unrest in the Americas is nothing new. To have them all in uprise at the same time from the tip of Alaska to the tip of Patagonia is something that would out do a Papal visit.

The answer on motormile has not changed any. Lets sell cars. Now, it is not anything complicated. The UNC can and will deal with all logistics but why reinvent the wheel. All free trade zone are not up to par but can be in a matter of seconds. Make the weekend deal and have the paper work in order. The cars get delivered to x spot where y drivers are needed. The cars are sold along the Pan American Highway while destination point Paraguay. Where Brothers are welcomed and gladly will work. The logistics are already set and the plan just need ALL Presidential and Commercial aproval. Jump on the Stock now or hold your water.


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